Last updated: Mar 12, 2025
When you run a DataStage® job, you can pass
values from a parameter set into the job by using the flag --paramset
See the following examples of scenarios where you can pass parameter sets and values from parameter sets into DataStage jobs.
Passing a parameter set into a job
When you run a job, you can pass the values from a parameter set into a job run by using the flag
. For example, the following command passes all the parameter set values
from the PS_SAMPLE parameter set, which has two fields, DATASET_NAME and FILE_NAME. The values of
these two fields are passed in as job parameters to the job run. The example shows the values that
are passed into the job
run.$ cpdctl dsjob run --project YongProject --job "TestParameterSet.DataStage job" --wait 300 --paramset PS_SAMPLE
Job Run ID: f29d843b-df5d-4b5f-84cc-967f07208fb2
Passing a value set into a job
This example shows how you can pass in values from the value set QA that belongs to the parameter
set PS_SAMPLE. The job run passes the value set from the value set QA into the job parameter
$ cpdctl dsjob run --project YongProject --job "TestParameterSet.DataStage job" --wait 300 --paramset PS_SAMPLE.QA
Job Run ID: fec9ae5d-df5a-43c9-8bfe-c4cc11493885
"flow_name"='TestParameterSet.DataStage job'
Overriding a parameter set with another parameter set
In this example, the parameter set PS_SAMPLE and all its fields are passed into the job run
parameters. However, the field values are replaced if they exist in the overriding parameter set
PROJDEF. The PROJDEF parameter set has DATASET_NAME and FILE_NAME, whose values are passed into the
corresponding fields in the PS_SAMPLE parameter set and sent into job parameters as values. Only
fields that are common are overridden. The other fields from the PS_SAMPLE parameter set are passed
$ cpdctl dsjob run --project YongProject --job "TestParameterSet.DataStage job" --wait 300 --paramset PS_SAMPLE=PROJDEF
Job Run ID: 70c403c5-938d-42be-8b04-dbd4e74947b8
"flow_name"='TestParameterSet.DataStage job'
Overriding a value set
In this example, the values from the value set QA from the parameter set PS_SAMPLE are used in
the job run parameters, but are overridden by the values from the parameter set
$ cpdctl dsjob run --project YongProject --job "TestParameterSet.DataStage job" --wait 300 --paramset PS_SAMPLE.QA=PROJDEF
Job Run ID: f867cd17-b913-4f5f-8091-720a71668877
"flow_name"='TestParameterSet.DataStage job'
Overriding a specific parameter
You can override a specific parameter by using the
option. In this
example, parameter set values from the value set QA from the parameter set PS_SAMPLE are used to
pass in as job parameters but the value of the FILE_NAME field is
overridden.$ cpdctl dsjob run --project YongProject --job "TestParameterSet.DataStage job" --wait 300 --paramset PS_SAMPLE.QA=PROJDEF --param PS_SAMPLE.FILE_NAME=/ds-storage/BostonProperty-2022-OVERRIDE.csv
Job Run ID: ee4f233a-8ee1-4f84-a5a5-5c5ec550efd0
"flow_name"='TestParameterSet.DataStage job'
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