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Split Subrecord stage: Stage tab (DataStage)
Last updated: Nov 07, 2024
Split Subrecord stage: Stage tab (DataStage)

You can specify aspects of the Split Subrecord stage from the Split Subrecord stage: Stage tab.

Specify an optional description of the stage in the Description section. In the Properties section, you specify what the stage does. In the Advanced section, you can specify how the stage runs.

Split Subrecord stage: Properties tab

The Properties tab allows you to specify properties which determine what the stage actually does. The Split Subrecord only has one property, and you must supply a value for this.

The following table gives a quick reference list of the properties and their attributes.

Table 1. Properties
Category/Property Values Default Mandatory? Repeats? Dependent of
Options/Subrecord Column Input Column N/A Y N N/A
Subrecord column
Specifies the name of the vector whose elements you want to promote to a set of similarly named top-level columns.

Split Subrecord stage: Advanced tab

This tab allows you to specify the following:

  • Execution Mode. The stage can execute in parallel mode or sequential mode. In parallel mode the input data is processed by the available nodes as specified in the Configuration file, and by any node constraints specified on the Advanced tab. In Sequential mode the entire data set is processed by the conductor node.
  • Combinability mode. This is Auto by default, which allows IBM® DataStage® to combine the operators that underlie parallel stages so that they run in the same process if it is sensible for this type of stage.
  • Preserve partitioning. This is Propagate by default. It adopts Set or Clear from the previous stage. You can explicitly select Set or Clear. Select Set to request that next stage in the job should attempt to maintain the partitioning.
  • Node pool and resource constraints. Select this option to constrain parallel execution to the node pool or pools or resource pool or pools specified in the grid. The grid allows you to make choices from drop down lists populated from the Configuration file.
  • Node map constraint. Select this option to constrain parallel execution to the nodes in a defined node map. You can define a node map by typing node numbers into the text box or by clicking the browse button to open the Available Nodes dialog box and selecting nodes from there. You are effectively defining a new node pool for this stage (in addition to any node pools defined in the Configuration file).
    Note: In the Node map constraint text box, you can enter jobs parameters as well as numbers. You can enter a single parameter, for example #testnode#, or you can enter a comma separated lists of parameters, for example #testnode#, #testnode2#. The browse button next to the text box will display a list of the node names from the last configuration file that was referenced by the job, but the browse button will not display the node names that were specified by the job parameters.