Miscellaneous environment variables in DataStage
Last updated: Dec 09, 2024
Miscellaneous environment variables in DataStage

These environment variables do not fit into the other categories.

APT_AGGREGATOR_NULLABLE_OUTPUT environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_AGGREGATOR_NULLABLE_OUTPUT environment variable to force the Aggregator Stage to define aggregate fields as nullable in the output schema.

APT_COPY_TRANSFORM_OPERATOR environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_COPY_TRANSFORM_OPERATOR environment variable to distribute the shared object file of the sub-level transform operator and the shared object file of user-defined functions (not extern functions) via distribute-component in a non-NFS MPP.

APT_DATASET_FLUSH_NOFSYNC environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to turn off the fsync() and sync() calls done in APT_DMDescriptorFile::flushFile().

Unset the APT_DATASET_FLUSH_NOFSYNC environment variable, and set the APT_DATASET_FLUSH_NOSYNC environment variable to keep the fsync() call.

APT_DATASET_FLUSH_SYNC environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to turn on the sync() call that is done in APT_DMDescriptorFile::flushFile() when PX datasets (internal or external) are closed. This will improve file system integrity on file systems, but may reduce the performance.

APT_DATE_CENTURY_BREAK_YEAR environment variable in DataStage

The APT_DATE_CENTURY_BREAK_YEAR environment variable contains the four-digit year that marks the century that two-digit years belong to.

APT_DATE_CENTURY_BREAK_YEAR is set to 1900 by default.

APT_DATE_ADD_ROLLOVER environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to disable a change to year/month date calculations that was introduced in IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server, Version 9.1.

A change was introduced in InfoSphere Information Server, Version 9.1, to the result returned by year/month date calculations, but not to the result returned by day calculations. Before InfoSphere Information Server, Version 9.1, if a calculation resulted in a day value that was greater than the maximum valid day, the date was adjusted the appropriate number of days into the next month. In InfoSphere Information Server, Version 9.1, the date is adjusted to the last valid day of the month.

For example, if a date is calculated as January 40, 2012, InfoSphere Information Server, Version 9.1, returns a result of January 31, 2012. If the APT_DATE_ADD_ROLLOVER environment variable is set, a value of February 9, 2012 is returned.

APT_DS_COMPRESSION environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_DS_COMPRESSION environment variable so that data is compressed when it is written to data sets on the disk. The files are not compressed by default, and when this variable is defined to any value, the compression is turned on. This setting includes the data set files on the HDFS file system. If you have old data sets that were generated with a previous version of DataStage®, and you use the orchadmin ll command on the data sets, the compression is set to false in the output of the orchadmin ll command if compression was not available in the previous version.

APT_EBCDIC_VERSION environment variable in DataStage

The APT_EBCDIC_VERSION environment variable indicates which EBCDIC character set to use for fields that are represented in the EBCDIC format.

Some operators, including the import and export operators, support the ebcdic property. The ebcdic property specifies that field data is represented in the EBCDIC character set. The APT_EBCDIC_VERSION environment variable indicates which EBCDIC character set to use. You can set APT_EBCDIC_VERSION to one of the following values:
Use the EBCDIC character set supported by HP terminals.
Use the EBCDIC character set supported by IBM 3780 terminals.
Use the EBCDIC character set supported by AT&T terminals.
Use the IBM 037 EBCDIC character set.
Use the IBM 500 EBCDIC character set.

If the value of APT_EBCDIC_VERSION is HP, IBM, or ATT, EBCDIC data is internally converted to and from 7-bit ASCII. If the value is IBM037 or IBM500, EBCDIC data is internally converted to and from ISO-8859-1 (the 8-bit Latin-1 superset of ASCII, with accented character support).

APT_FILE_EXPORT_DEFAULTS_TO_CONDUCTOR environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to disable a change to file export that was introduced in IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 8.0.

A change was introduced in InfoSphere Information Server, Version 8.0, to the file export operator when the file name did not contain a host name. In early releases, the host name defaulted to the conductor even if the conductor was not in the set of nodes available to the file export operator.

Set the APT_FILE_EXPORT_DEFAULTS_TO_CONDUCTOR environment variable to ensure compatibility with versions before InfoSphere Information Server, Version 7.5.1.

APT_IMPEXP_ALLOW_ZERO_LENGTH_FIXED_NULL environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_IMPEXP_ALLOW_ZERO_LENGTH_FIXED_NULL environment variable to allow zero length null_field values with fixed-length fields.

Use with care as poorly formatted data might cause incorrect results. By default a zero length null_field value causes an error.

APT_IMPORT_REJECT_INVALID_CHARS environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to reject integer fields that contain any character that causes the buffer conversion to be ended prematurely.

APT_IMPORT_REJECT_STRING_FIELD_OVERRUNS environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_IMPORT_REJECT_STRING_FIELD_OVERRUNS environment variable so that DataStage rejects any string or ustring fields read that go over their fixed size.

By default these records are truncated.

APT_INSERT_COPY_BEFORE_MODIFY environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_INSERT_COPY_BEFORE_MODIFY environment variable to turn on automatic insertion of a copy operator before any modify operator.

If APT_INSERT_COPY_BEFORE_MODIFY is not set and the operator immediately preceding 'modify' in the data flow uses a modify adapter, the 'modify' operator is removed from the data flow.

Only set APT_INSERT_COPY_BEFORE_MODIFY if you write your own custom operators AND use 'modify' within those operators.

APT_ISVALID_BACKCOMPAT environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to disable a change to the isValid() function that was introduced in IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 8.1.

A change was introduced in InfoSphere Information Server, Version 8.1, to the result returned by the isValid() function when coded in a transform expression. The isValid() function was changed to return true or false to indicate whether an implicit conversion of the given string to a variable of the specified type would succeed.
Set the APT_ISVALID_BACKCOMPAT environment variable to ensure compatibility with versions before InfoSphere Information Server, Version 8.1.

APT_JOIN_POOL_SIZE environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_JOIN_POOL_SIZE environment variable to set the memory limit for the join operator. After the join operator hits the memory limit, the data is written to files on the scratch disk. The files are cleaned up when the join operation is complete. This parameter is not set by default. To enable it, set this environment variable. The variable needs to be set in bytes. The memory size value is used for the upper bound of memory for the join.

APT_OLD_BOUNDED_LENGTH environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_OLD_BOUNDED_LENGTH environment variable to any value to revert the storage behavior before IBM DataStage Version 7.0.1 when using bounded length varchars.

Some parallel datasets generated with Version 7.0.1 and later releases require more disk space when the columns are of type VarChar when compared to version 7.0. This is due to changes added for performance improvements for bounded length VarChars in Version 7.0.1.

Setting APT_OLD_BOUNDED_LENGTH might have adverse performance effects. Use unbounded length VarChars, without setting a length, for columns where the maximum length is rarely used, rather than setting APT_OLD_BOUNDED_LENGTH.

APT_OPERATOR_REGISTRY_PATH environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_OPERATOR_REGISTRY_PATH environment variable to locate operator .apt files, which define what operators are available and which libraries they are found in.

APT_OSL_PARAM_ESC_SQUOTE environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable so that naked single quotation marks that are found in nonencrypted parameter values are escaped.

APT_OSL_PARAM_ESC_BSLASH environment variable in DataStage

When set to true, backslashes in the values of non-encrypted parameters are escaped. If it is undefined or set to false, backslashes are not escaped in the values of non-encrypted parameters.

APT_PLAYERS_REPORT_IN environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable so that each player generates a message as it starts and as it ends.

APT_PM_ACCEPT_CONNECTION_RETRIES environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to specify the number of times a player connection is retried before checking to see whether the accept connection timeout has been reached.

APT_PM_ACCEPT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to specify the number of seconds that a player connection can be retried before failing.

This environment variable applies to all connections.

APT_PM_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to control the number of seconds the conductor waits for all the section leaders to respond back that they are finished with file cleanup on job shutdown. For jobs that cleanup large files on shutdown it might be useful to increase this value. The default timeout is 5 seconds.

APT_PM_NO_SHARED_MEMORY environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_PM_NO_SHARED_MEMORY environment variable to use named pipes rather than shared memory for local connections.

By default, shared memory is used for local connections. If APT_PM_NO_SHARED_MEMORY is set, named pipes rather than shared memory are used for local connections. If both APT_PM_NO_NAMED_PIPES and APT_PM_NO_SHARED_MEMORY are set, then TCP sockets are used for local connections.

APT_PM_NO_NAMED_PIPES environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_PM_NO_NAMED_PIPES environment variable to specify that name pipes are not used for local connections.

Named pipes are still used in other areas of DataStage, including subprocesses and setting up of the shared memory transport protocol in the process manager.

APT_PM_SCORE_DIR environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to specify the directory to be used for the temporary files that are created when the score for all nodes is saved and restored.

APT_PM_STARTUP_CONCURRENCY environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_PM_STARTUP_CONCURRENCY environment variable to a small integer to determine the number of simultaneous section leader startups to be allowed.

Setting APT_PM_STARTUP_CONCURRENCY to 1 forces sequential startup. The default is defined by SOMAXCONN in sys/socket.h (currently 10 for AIX®).

APT_RECORD_COUNTS environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_RECORD_COUNTS environment variable to cause DataStage to print, for each operator Player, the number of records consumed by getRecord() and produced by putRecord().

Abandoned input records are not necessarily accounted for. Buffer operators do not print this information.

APT_SHOW_COMPONENT_CALLS environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_SHOW_COMPONENT_CALLS environment variable so that DataStage displays messages at job check time as to which user overloadable functions, such as checkConfig and describeOperator, are being called.

Output is not at run time and is not guaranteed to be a complete list of all user-overloadable functions that are called. An effort is made to keep the output synchronized with any new virtual functions provided.

APT_STACK_TRACE environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_STACK_TRACE environment variable to control the number of lines printed for stack traces.

The possible values for APT_STACK_TRACE are:

  • unset. Ten lines printed
  • 0. All lines printed
  • N. N lines printed
  • none. No stack trace

The last setting can be used to disable stack traces entirely.

APT_SURRKEY_BLOCK_WRITE environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to enable the use of a block of memory for writing the surrogate key state file. Setting this variable can improve performance for large key state files.

The value must be an integer that defines the size of the block of memory in MB. A value of 0 indicates that the variable is not defined.

The maximum value is 128 MB.

APT_SURRKEY_LOCKSTATE_RETRIES environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to specify the number to try to lock the key state file for a surrogate key operator.

APT_THREAD_SAFE_FAST_ALLOC environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to specify the threading mode for fast allocators, which are used to allocate commonly used objects such as strings.

Set the APT_THREAD_SAFE_FAST_ALLOC environment variable to one of these values:
fast allocators are maintained within thread-specific storage.
fast allocators are shared between threads.
fast allocation is not used.
If the APT_DISABLE_FASTALLOC environment variable is set, the APT_THREAD_SAFE_FAST_ALLOC environment variable is ignored.

APT_TRANSFORM_ABORT_ON_CONVERSION_ERROR environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to abort the transformer operator if a runtime conversion error occurs.

APT_TRANSFORM_COMPILE_OLD_NULL_HANDLING environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_TRANSFORM_COMPILE_OLD_NULL_HANDLING environment variable to revert to manual handling of nulls for all jobs in the project.

When the APT_TRANSFORM_COMPILE_OLD_NULL_HANDLING environment variable is set and you use an input column in the derivation expression of an output column in the Transformer stage, you must explicitly handle any nulls that occur in the input data. If you do not specify such handling, a null causes the row to be dropped or, if a reject link exists, rejected. If you do set APT_TRANSFORM_COMPILE_OLD_NULL_HANDLING, then a null in the input column that is used in the derivation causes a null to be output (unless overridden at the job level).

APT_TRANSFORM_LOOP_WARNING_THRESHOLD environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_TRANSFORM_LOOP_WARNING_THRESHOLD environment variable to a value to control the number of times that a loop iterates, and the size of the cache that is used to hold input rows.

A warning is written to the job log when a loop repeats the specified number of times, and the warning is repeated every time a multiple of that value is reached. So, for example, if you specify a threshold of 100, warnings are written to the job log when the loop iterates 100 times, 200 times, 300 times, and so on. Setting the threshold to 0 specifies that no warnings are issued. Similarly, a warning is issued when the cache that holds input rows for aggregate operations reaches the specified value, or a multiple of that value.

Setting APT_TRANSFORM_LOOP_WARNING_THRESHOLD specifies a threshold for all jobs in a project.

APT_TRANSFORM_OPERATOR_DEBUG environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable so that the token tree and symbol table are printed.

APT_TSORT_SCRATCH_COMPRESSION environment variable in DataStage

Set APT_TSORT_SCRATCH_COMPRESSION if you want scratch files that are created as part of a tsort operation to be compressed when they are written to disk. This saves space on the disk. You can specify any value for this variable.

APT_USE_CRLF environment variable in DataStage

Set this environment variable to default the end of line to windows style \r\n.

OSH_PRELOAD_LIBS environment variable in DataStage

Set the OSH_PRELOAD_LIBS environment variable to specify a colon-separated list of names of libraries to be loaded before any other processing.

Libraries containing custom operators must be assigned to this variable or they must be registered. For example, in Korn shell syntax:

$ export OSH_PRELOAD_LIBS="orchlib1:orchlib2:mylib1"

PX_DBCONNECTHOME environment variable in DataStage

The location where the PX Components are installed.

APT_OSH_AFTER_JOB_ROUTINE_FAIL_OK environment variable in DataStage

Set this variable to make the job pass when the after-job routine fails. By default, this variable is undefined and the job fails when the after-job routine fails.

APT_CHECKSUM_DELIM_SPACE environment variable in DataStage

APT_CHECKSUM_DELIM_SPACE changes the delimiter used in the Checksum stage from the pipe character to space. Its default value is False. This variable has a Boolean type.

APT_COMPARE_NULLS environment variable in DataStage

When APT_COMPARE_NULLS is defined, NULL key values in left and right tables are treated as being not equal during fullouter join. Its default value is False. This variable has a List type.

APT_COMPRESSED_LOG environment variable in DataStage

If APT_COMPRESSED_LOG is set to True, then a compressed job log gets stored. If set to False, uncompressed job log gets stored.

Its default value is False. This variable has a Boolean type.

APT_DS_SERVER_LOCALE environment variable in DataStage

Set APT_DS_SERVER_LOCALE for converted server transform functions. Its default value is “US-ENGLISH”. This variable has a String type.

APT_DS_SERVER_NLSOFF environment variable in DataStage

Disable NLS for converted server transform functions. Its default value is False. This variable has a Boolean type.

APT_OSL_SUBPROC_DELIM environment variable in DataStage

APT_OSL_SUBPROC_DELIM sets the field delimiter character to be used for the export and import schema of wrapped osl suprocs. The value can be a single character or one of the following strings: "whitespace", "end", "none", "null", "tab". This variable has a String type.

APT_OSL_SUBPROC_QUOTE environment variable in DataStage

APT_OSL_SUBPROC_QUOTE sets the field quote character to be used for the export and import schema of wrapped osl suprocs. The value can be a single character or one of the following strings: "single", "double". This variable has a String type.