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Checkpoint environment variables in DataStage
Last updated: Dec 09, 2024
Checkpoint environment variables in DataStage

The following environment variables can be used to set checkpoints to automatically restart DataStage®.

For more information about setting up checkpoints and other environment variables, see Explore checkpoint and restart functionality in DataStage.

APT_CHECKPOINT_BLOCK_SIZE environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_CHECKPOINT_BLOCK_SIZE environment variable to specify the size of the files that checkpoint data is split into.

The default value is 64MB.

APT_CHECKPOINT_ENABLED environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_CHECKPOINT_ENABLED environment variable so that checkpoints are inserted into the score after sorts and before target operators, depending on the value of the variable.

If the checkpoints before any of the targets are finalized and the job fails, then the job will not be automatically restart. If the checkpoints are inserted before the sorts are finalized or before a job fails, then they will be used as the starting point upon failure and restart the job. You can specify the following values for this environment variable:
Insert checkpoints before only target operators.
Insert checkpoints before only sort stages.
Removes all checkpoint files that are specified in the APT_CHECKPOINT_PERSISTENT path before the job is started.
Any other value
If the environment variable is defined and equal to any other string, both of the checkpoint types will be inserted.

APT_CHECKPOINT_NO_COMPRESSION environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_CHECKPOINT_NO_COMPRESSION environment variable so that files that are generated when you create a checkpoint to automatically restart DataStage after failure are compressed. The checkpoint files are compressed by default. When this variable is defined to any value, the compression is turned off.

APT_CHECKPOINT_PERSISTENT environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_CHECKPOINT_PERSISTENT environment variable to persist checkpoints between failed job runs.

Specifies if you want to allow checkpoints to be persisted for different jobs that are run. If a job that has a checkpoint enabled fails, then you can manually restart the job if there is are existing checkpoint files which are complete. The job will start from the checkpoints, instead of starting from the beginning. Define this variable with a path to a file name to save the checkpoint data when a job fails and cannot automatically be restarted. The job can be manually rerun with this variable set to the same file to start from any checkpoints that are complete.

APT_CHECKPOINT_RESTART environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_CHECKPOINT_RESTART environment variable to automatically restart failed jobs.

If defined as an integer, this environment variable enables the automatic restart of failed jobs and determines the number of times the job will attempt to restart. If you do not define a value for this variable or specify a value of 0, then this variable disables automatic restart.

APT_CHECKPOINT_RESTART_DELAY environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_CHECKPOINT_RESTART_DELAY environment variable to delay the restart of failed jobs by the specified number of seconds.

If defined as an integer, this environment variable delays the restart of a failed job by the number of seconds that you specify as the value.

APT_DEBUG_CHECKPOINT environment variable in DataStage

Set the APT_DEBUG_CHECKPOINT environment variable to enable debugging messages.

When defined, this variable enables verbose messages output to the job log from all checkpoint related functionality.

APT_CHECKPOINT_DIR environment variable in DataStage

Specifies the directory where state information is stored for a restartable step. This variable has a DirPath type.