Visualization widget syntax in Decision Optimization experiments
Last updated: Apr 05, 2024
Visualization widget syntax in Decision Optimization experiments

The widget syntax can be useful for customizing widgets beyond the functionality that is provided by the Widget Editor in the Visualization view.

The basic widget syntax is as follows:

  "name": "Widget Title",
  "type": "WidgetType",
  "props": {}
Table 1. Basic widget syntax


Defines the widget title, which is displayed in the widget header.


Defines the widget type.


Defines the properties of the widget. The properties vary depending on the type of widget.

The basic widget syntax for widgets that are connected to data, such as tables and charts, is as follows:

  "name": "Table Cars",
  "type": "Table",
  "props": {
    "container": "",
    "data": "cars",
    "spec": {},
    "search": ""
Table 2. Basic syntax for widgets connected to data


You usually specify data. data refers to the table from which you want to extract data.


You usually leave spec empty. The Visualization generates a default spec as a starting point.


Optionally specify container. If container equals "" or "$current-scenario", it references the current scenario. The latter is useful when you have multiple scenarios.

container can reference another scenario in the same Decision Optimization experiment by its name: "container":"Scenario 1". It can also reference a list of different scenarios: "container":["Scenario April","Scenario June"].

To aggregate all the scenarios contained in a Decision Optimization experiment, use "container":"*". container also supports the following syntax: "container":"/regex/" where all the scenarios with names that contain regex will be referenced. Add i after the forward slash to ignore case differences, for example "container":"/april/i" will reference all scenarios with names that contain april or April.

The rows of the listed scenarios are concatenated in a single table, with an extra column $scenario containing the name of the scenario.


Saves the content of the search-text field.