Table search and filtering in a Decision Optimization experiment

Last updated: Oct 23, 2024
Table search and filtering in a Decision Optimization experiment

You can filter tables in the Prepare data, Explore solution and Visualization views, by clicking the search icon and entering a value to search on.

You can also specify a column name, colon, and a value. For example, if you enter food:hot in the diet_food_nutrients table search field, the table is filtered to display only the rows that contain the food "hot". In this example, you obtain just one row that contains the food Hotdog. You can also enter the prefix of a column name. For example, entering fo:hot obtains the same result as food:hot. The column name is optional, so you can also enter hot in this case. If the column name is not specified, all columns are searched and the corresponding rows are obtained. For example, if you enter 0, in the diet_food_nutrients table you obtain four rows that contain this value in one of the columns. You can also filter by using numeric values as follows:

Enter in the search field Result: rows displayed containing column values
column_name:12 Equal to 12
column_name :10.. Greater than or equal to 10
column_name :..10 Less than or equal to 10
column_name:15..25 Between 15 and 25

You can reorder the rows in the table by clicking the sort arrows on a table column. You can also select more than one column to sort by.

You can also compare tables of different scenarios. Click the three dots next to the table, and select Compare with to choose a scenario. For more information, see Comparing scenario tables in a Decision Optimization experiment.