Solving a model in a Decision Optimization experiment
The Decision Optimization experiment UI has different views in which you can select data, create models, solve different scenarios, and visualize the results. You can also save your scenarios for deployment
In Decision Optimization, a model with a data set is solved by using optimization engines (software). These optimization engines (IBM CPLEX® and CP Optimizer) produce precise solutions for the objectives that are stated in the model, by using mathematical programming and constraint programming algorithms. The solutions are mathematically proven to be the best possible solutions that respect the constraints listed in the model and the data. An "optimal solution" means that no better objective value can be possibly found for that model and data set. A "feasible" solution is one that satisfies all the constraints of the model and data, but is not necessarily optimal. The event of solving a model with an optimization engine is often referred to in Decision Optimization as a "solve".
To solve a model, click Run from the menu bar in one of the following
views: Prepare data, Build model, or Explore solution
views. During the run you can see the different
stages (Starting, Pending, Running, Finishing) of the job in a graphical display. The "solve" occurs
during the Running phase. The current scenario (model with data) is solved by using IBM CPLEX® or CP
Optimizer. The default run environment is used for the solve or, if it doesn’t exist, it is created
automatically. The
is used by default to
solve the model. You can change this run environment by configuring the run for your scenario.do_22.1
You can also solve a model from the Overview by selecting
Run from the menu icon for a scenario.
You can set and modify certain run parameters by clicking the Configure
run icon next to the Run button. These
parameters are then applied each time that you click Run. For more
information, see Configuring the run parameters for a scenario in a Decision Optimization experiment.
Engine parameters that control the Decision Optimization solve can be configured in the Build model view. For more information, see Configuring engine settings in the Build model view.