Importing a model in a Decision Optimization experiment

Last updated: Jul 05, 2024
Importing a model in a Decision Optimization experiment

You can import models into a Decision Optimization experiment.


To import a model:

  1. From the Build model view, select Import model in the Model wizard.
    If you previously started to create a model, to return to the Model wizard, click the Replace icon replace icon. Your current formulation is deleted (all tabs are deleted). Alternatively, click the Import icon Import icon (only the current tab is deleted).
  2. Choose the model type (Python, OPL, CPLEX, or CPO).
    You can import a Python model from an existing notebook in your project or from an external file.
    If you import an existing notebook from your project and this notebook is running on a Jupyter customized environment, you must create a new environment for your Decision Optimization experiment. Then in this new environment, you can import the same set of libraries.
  3. Click Add files.


When you have imported your model, you can then edit it and solve it by clicking the Run button.