Importing data into a scenario

Last updated: Feb 09, 2024
Importing data into a scenario

You can add data to your project and then import it into a scenario.


To add data to a project:

  1. In the Prepare data view, click Add data.
  2. Drop files or click browse in the data pane that opens.
  3. Select files and click Open to add them.
    When you add a data set in this way, it appears listed in the Prepare data view and also in the data assets that are listed in your project. You can now import the data into a scenario.

To import data into a scenario:

  1. In the data pane in the Prepare data view, select the project data files that you want to import into the scenario.
  2. Click Import


Your chosen data files can now be viewed and edited in your scenario in the Prepare data view

You can import files in most formats, including .csv, .xls, .json files, and connected data. If you are using Excel files with multiple sheets, only the first sheet will be imported. However, you can export each sheet as a .csv file to import your data into your Decision Optimization experiment.

Note: If your .cvs file contains any malicious payload (formulas for example) in an input field, these items might be executed.

Subsequently, if you modify, replace or delete a data set in your Project, these actions have no impact on your scenario, unless you choose to import it into your scenario. Similarly, if you re-upload a new version of a table using the add data button in the Prepare data view, your scenario is not affected, unless you choose to import it into your scenario.

If you re-import a file at any time, you can choose to import it with a new name. This renaming can be useful if you want to use different versions of the same data table. You can also choose to update and overwrite the current table in your Scenario. If you choose to re-import and update a table, a notification message appears listing which tables are overwritten.