Exporting data to a project

Last updated: Oct 23, 2024
Exporting data to a project

You can export data tables from your Decision Optimization experiment to a project.


To export a table to your project:

  1. In the Prepare data view, click the three dots on a table, and select Export to project.
  2. In the export window that opens, choose to create a new project data asset or overwrite an existing one.
    If you choose to overwrite a connected data file, the table in the connection is also updated.
  3. Enter a file name.
  4. Optional: Select a folder in the project to save to and click Select.
    This option is only available if Folders have been enabled in the Manage tab of the project.
  5. Click Export.


The table is located as an asset in the project. If you selected a folder when exporting, the asset is located in the chosen folder in the project.


For an example that includes exporting tables see the CopyAndSolveScenarios notebook in the Jupyter folder of the DO-samples in the Decision Optimization GitHub.