Editing input data in a Decision Optimization experiment

Last updated: Feb 09, 2024
Editing input data in a Decision Optimization experiment

When you create a new Decision Optimization experiment in your project, the Prepare data view opens.

To edit data values in a table, in the Prepare data view, double-click a cell, and edit the value. You can also rename column names in this way.

To see more rows use the scroll bar. You can also resize the columns to adjust the view. If you want to see more rows on a page, click Open the table in full mode and edit it in a new window.

To change the data type (number or string) of a column, click the three dots on a column. These data types are used when you save your scenario as a model for deployment.

To add or remove rows, click the three dots on a row. You can also sort tables by clicking the arrows on a column.

You can edit a table name by clicking the pencil icon. You can also download or delete a table from a scenario.

Changes that you make in the Prepare data view are saved in your scenario, but not in the project data assets, unless you export the table to your project. Similarly, if you modify the project data assets, unless you import these changes into your scenario, they will not appear in the Prepare data view.