Decision Optimization batch deployment and model execution

Last updated: Nov 28, 2024
Decision Optimization batch deployment and model execution

Once your model is deployed, you can submit Decision Optimization jobs to this deployment.

You can submit jobs specifying the:

  • Input data: the transaction data used as input by the model. This can be inline or referenced data.
  • Output data: to define how the output data is generated by model. This is returned as inline or referenced data.
  • Run parameters: to customize the behavior of the run.

After submitting a job, you can use the JOB-ID to poll the job status to collect the:

  • Job execution status or error message
  • Solve execution status, progress and log tail
  • Inline or referenced output data

Job states can be : queued, running, completed, failed, canceled.

For more information about creating jobs, see Creating jobs in deployment spaces.

Engine parameters that control the Decision Optimization solve can be configured in the Build model view. For more information, see Configuring engine settings in the Build model view.